Tuesday, 26 February 2013


        They issue of complexity is something that is unavoidable as far business and other relation projects are concern. Since much money and time is always invested in these IT projects, much has to be done to ensure that these projects are not a fiasco. But could this be avoided totally? If not what are the measures and procedures implemented to curb this hazard? So dealing with such a scenario is to accept the fact that does exist; if not at the moment, in the nearest future. Having in mind this, is going to do much good to your company.   
      Really avoiding complexity is not an option for CEO s but the choice comes when they have to respond to it. I do 100% abide with this statement because as  far as business is concern, there are a lot of uncertainties despite all the measures that could have been taken to avoid this. A good CEO having this kind of scenario in mind is going to make all necessary back up plans (plan B) so that nothing takes him/her unaware and found wanted. But then with their level of awareness and precaution how well do they handle it?.
  They cannot allow complexity to be a threatening force to either their profit nor to overwhelm their customers and employees. From my own point of view, treating complexity as it comes is a better way of handling it. As earlier said before, complexity is an unavoidable scenario so if one makes up his/her (CEO s) mind to expect this then he will obviously take precaution towards it happening in due course. It is often said that, “Prevention is better than cure” but in this case we have to do things the other way round. Trying to stop or avoid complexity is like trying to stop rain from falling. Why do I say so? This is because it something that is natural and is liable to happen at any time without any notification.
  But with good innovations and a good feasibility studies before embarking into a project of this nature and taking all necessary factors into account, one limits the probability of the project failing but then if it does occur how do we receive it?  It is by surprise or awareness? So again for as to me responding to it as it comes is the best decision.

 food for though :

 It doesn't matter how much you want. What really matters is how much you want it. The extent and complexity of the problem does not matter was much as does the willingness to solve it.

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