Monday, 11 March 2013



According to international code of law, IT personnel are not professionals but to the business world they are professionals. However we are concern with business.


   It has been said that the only constant in life is change. Things change. No matter how smoothly things are going, no matter how proficient we are at a given task, things never stay the way they are. Adaptability is absolutely necessary in order to be able to handle that change.

One of the reasons things constantly change is because there’s always an influx of new people into any given situation. These new people bring along new ideas and values to the mix. Often times they lack the experience of more seasoned veterans, but they make up for that lack of experience with passion and energy. That sheer energy gives them the ability to compete until they gain necessary experience. There’s another reason that keeps change constant.


Technology is constantly evolving and changing. Technology in any given industry can change very quickly leading to new inefficiencies  But, that new technology comes at a price. As technology improves, people need to learn new skill sets to utilize the technology. Those who are unwilling to adapt get left behind, and very quickly become obsolete, even in an industry where they were once an expert due to their knowledge and skills. Technology is an area where adaptability is absolutely crucial to a person’s chances of succeeding.

Adaptability is an important component of long-term success. If you want to succeed, you have to remain flexible and change as the times change. If you fail to adapt, even if you get to the top, you won’t stay there for long. If you are willing to adapt, you’ll change when necessary and easily surpass all those who are stuck in their old ways. Adapt to succeed. Until next time…


Before you go, please take a second and leave a comment below. Tell me how you've had to adapt to change in order to move forward, or maybe missed out on an opportunity due to not adapting in a timely manner

   Personal skills play a very important role in the success of business. There are many business skills that are derived from personal ones and often times the two go hand in hand.

One very important personal skill is the ability to communicate with others. While this may seem like a simple skill everyone possesses, effective communication is not as easy as it sounds. In order to obtain the results you desire, you must be able to provide information in a way that is clear, concise and easy for others to understand. The clearer the message, the more positive the results. Failing to be clear can result in a task being performed several times over because the message wasn't adequately conveyed.

The ability to work with a wide range of personality types is also an important personal and business skill to possess. All employees of an organization have different personalities and it is important to be as adaptable as possible in order to effectively communicate with one another. This is also an important part of teamwork.

The ability to listen is also essential to effective communication and teamwork. Listening to others will help you learn and will enable everyone involved to come up with workable solutions for problems that exist. 

Goal setting is a very important personal and business skill that covers many areas. If you are someone who sets goals for yourself and works hard to achieve them, this will probably cross over into the way in which you conduct business. Achieving large goals involves setting smaller ones, then working your way up to those that are larger in scope. This is also essential for good teamwork.

Time management is another personal skill that will most definitely cross over into business. The better you are able to manage your time, the more efficiently you will be as an employee or manager. You can also encourage others through example to hone this skill for themselves in an effort to improve your team.


   We are going to examine how IT is going to effect the trend of medicine in future. We are going to base our analogy scenarios. This is because the rate at which IT is fact growing in all dimensions of live we hold to the optimism that it is going to be innovative in most of these aspects of life- health not left out.

 Below are 10 trend in advancement in IT in health services.

1.  The electronic medical record.  All your health records will soon be stored electronically.  The don't live in a file at the doctor's office, radiologist or hospital anymore.  This "instantly accessible" tool will be a significant advance for care anywhere YOU may be.  Further, the emergence of the EMR will help drive superior care and less medical errors as computers can flag potential problems.

2.  The clinical cloud.  It's no longer only your music that will be downloadable.  But soon, your health record will be digital and follow you.  You CAT scan and ECG are a click away for any necessary viewing.

3. Retail Medicine.  Yep, it's already there.  But the medi-clinics on the corner will be replaced by chain-style medical offices that will appear in your local mall or big box store.  Even retail pharmacies will expand their service to include some medical care.

4. Smart phone monitoring.  Your smart phone will monitor your ECG, blood sugar, sleep patterns (to name a few) and alert you and your doctor when there's a problem.  It will track and record these trends and offer valuable diagnostic information.

5.  Expert engagement at a distance.  Distance is no longer an issue.  With video engagement and the medical cloud at hand, difficult (and even simple) cases can be evaluated by experts around the world.  Even surgical procedures by physicians thousands of miles away--with the help of robotic.

6.  Implantable devices.  Pain, depression, and common conditions that are generally treated with pills will be successfully managed with implantable devices that use both drugs and electric current to stimulate and normalize conditions with less toxicity and superior long-term management.

7. On-line office visits.  At-home diagnostic tools and data transfer to a physician's office will reduce the need for an actual office visit.  Video conferencing and these diagnostic tools will provide an accurate assessment, care and risk-management.

8.  The patient-doctor.  The empowered patient will learn to make informed decisions based upon new at-home tools and techniques.  We will measure our own blood chemistries and take and transmit our ECG's.  Our actions, guided by experts will allow us to be engaged and informed.

9.  Value driven intervention.  Cost will emerge as a key factor in care.  And value will be an important element.  Patients will be rewarded for seeking cost-effective care and value seekers "shop around" procedures like CAT scans on the basis of technology and cost.  Long gone will be the day of having a complex test without knowing or caring about the price.


10. The vanishing private practice.  The economics of medicine are squeezing the solo practitioner.    Seeing "your" doctor at Wal-Mart may be more likely than that small practice in your home town.

This is going to have both negative and positive effects 
  • It is going to solve the problem of distance as much of the diagnoses will be done online and with the help of robots 
  • With the help of mobile sensitive devices, health problems will be able to be detected in patients who can not talk or have lost some sense to help them detect what could be wrong with them 
  • Problems like heart failure will be solved with implanted devices such as radioactive batteries that will act as artificial pace maker of the heart 
  • The is going to be more convenient in carrying out health activities because the problem of overcrowding will be avoided
  •  The medical records of each person will be well saved in soft copies and easily available to them if need be
  • This is going to increase the rate of unemployment around the globe as many health center will be close as more of the work will be done online and by robots 
  • Ones personal health records will not be that much private and secure as people may bridge the security and access them
  • A lot of exposure to radiations may lead to some other kinds of infections in due cause as people will turn to use the computer much more and other electronic devices.


    Here, we are going to examine how small businesses have move to large firms with the help of internet connection. Also, we are going to look at some effects of globalization on these businesses. Particular we are going to examine how the internet has uplifted these businesses. We are going to answer the questions below to understand how internet has change the business world.

  • How has internet connection change the business world?
  • What are the principal payment system for e commerce ?
  • How can internet connection facilitate internal business transactions?
  • What are the major managerial problems caused by e commerce ?
With our understanding of all these, we are going to see how the internet has move small businesses to digital firms.


 Amazon is one of the biggest known seller of books in the world. This firm started as a small seller of books in the UK but over time and with the help of the internet it has become one of the major supplier of books in the world today. How did the achieve this?

  1. Business-to-customers (B2C): They electronically retail directly to customers
  2. Business- to- business (B2B): They electronically sale among  businesses 
  3. Customers-to-Customers (C2C): They sell among customers
  4. Mobile Commerce:
  • use of hand held wireless devices for the purchase of books
  • used in B2B and B2C e commerce transactions. 
      5.   Facilitate dynamic pricing
  • real time interaction between buyers and sellers determines worth of  item 
      6.   Facilitate banner Ads 
  • pop up Ads that users must click to close
    7.    Reduce transaction cost 
  • reduce cost of finding buyers and delivering books 





All these electronic techniques have move amazon from a small traditional business to a digital firm 


 We've seen such a growth in globalization and its tentacles will only keep spreading as time goes on
There’s no doubt about the benefits this brings us all in business. There is a permanent shift in the domain of knowledge that enables any individual from any country to access large databases of resources and information. What have been the results?

Rise in Competition  

This is the single biggest benefit of globalization all around the world. With enhanced competition from foreign brands and companies, industries of every nation are compelled to improve their standards and quality and customer satisfaction services. This benefits the customers and the economy as a whole, and raises the standard of living of everybody. This could be viewed as a negative impact by many, but no-one can deny the impact it has had.

Rise in Technology and Know How

The rise in knowledge levels of countries as newer cultures and technologies are opened to a particular area are clear, Their knowledge base also grows and expands simultaneously. As a result, they are better able to handle their primary and secondary industries, and this ultimately affects their tertiary sectors in a positive manner as well.

  With all these, Amazon is not left out from this orbit